MyTino – A Place For Freelancing, Outsourcing, Contests and More

MyTino is a platform for freelancers from different backgrounds to get in touch with local and foreign employers. The MyTino job database contains job postings not only from MyTino users, but also from third-party affiliates, providing a comprehensive compilation of opportunities available to freelancers and a steady stream of capable, willing, and buyer-ready writers. MyTino’s outsourcing stage, for buyers, makes signing writers easy and cheap. Traditionally, without the compliments of outsourcing to overseas markets, the cost for a company to do business is just for advertising: graphics and text, content, logo design, website design, a significant amount. As outsourcing enters the market, the capital invested in design is reduced to a fraction of the cost, while a manually produced quality product still works. Outsourcing is a smart way for any buyer of freelance services to save money; In many ways, MyTino is a great site for freelancers and buyers alike.

For buyers, MyTino offers them various creative ways to realize their wishes. Take, for example, the “contests” section of a job posting social networking site. There buyers can post contests where after completing a job freelancers compete for a fee, one delivery. For buyers, this means that they will receive a plethora of proposals from potential customers to sift through and possibly even get an idea, but just pick one. This form of social brainstorming is an effective way to grow, change or adapt any business to meet the owner’s expectations. For buyers and suppliers, MyTino acts as an intermediary to protect possible theft that takes place in the online freelance environment, as it is dangerous for both parties. MyTino acts as a safe deposit box, holding the buyer’s money while the freelancer completes the job, and after both buyer and freelancer are satisfied, the buyer hands the money over to the freelancer for safekeeping and the deal is finalized. For both parties, this instills a sense of confidence that every freelancer needs to effectively perform the tasks assigned to them.

For freelancers: writers, artists, designers, creative minds; performing in matches is the definitive way to land contracts, quickly apply the skills you need and ensure they get paid for their time. A freelancer can also establish themselves as an excellent candidate for other employers in this way, and even increase their chances of becoming a long-term client of certain companies. For a freelancer, winning a competition is proof of ability, dedication and desire, which helps employers define personality, which translates into work habits, ethics and other such behavior patterns. On MyTino, contests are one of the main fundraising methods, along with vertical job search tools, browsing features, and other tools aimed at promoting the freelance market. MyTino provides a stable platform for freelancers and buyers to meet and negotiate business safely, securely, efficiently and productively.


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